Increase growth hormone GH naturally

3 min read

Growth hormone (GH) is produced in your body by the pituitary gland, and its highest secretion rate is in the early stages of your life to support all the stages of growth that your body needs, as it supports the growth of skeletal muscles, bones, and muscle tissue, in addition to supporting all protein metabolism processes. Fats and starches. The rate of secretion of this hormone begins to decrease as you age.

Growth hormone can be obtained synthetically, as it is available in the form of drugs taken in certain doses. It is expensive and sometimes has serious side effects, but the good news is that you can increase the rate of growth hormone in your body in natural ways and without stimulants.

1. Fat loss stimulates the secretion of the hormone (GH).

Many studies have proven that the rate of growth hormone present in the body of an adult is affected by the amount of fat present in the same body, as its production in the body decreases as your weight increases. Also, the fat accumulated in the waist and abdomen area in particular may be a direct cause of many diseases, and getting rid of this fat will re-stimulate your body to increase the rate of growth hormone production in addition to maintaining your general health.

2.Reduce sugar consumption

Eating sugar and starches in large quantities affects the increase in insulin levels in the blood, which directly indicates a decrease in the production of growth hormone in your body. Make sure to eat a balanced diet so as not to negatively affect the production of hormones in your body.

3. Work out brutally

Lifting weights is considered one of the most effective ways to naturally increase the production of growth hormone in your body, as scientific research has proven that the rate of growth hormone secretion increases significantly while lifting heavy weights and performing exercises that require high effort.

4. Take an arginine supplement

It is one of the types of non-essential amino acids that your body cannot produce. It is rich in nitrogen, which is converted inside your body into nitric oxide gas, which works to expand the veins in your body, which improves the safety of blood circulation and blood pressure. The arginine supplement has been scientifically proven to be able to significantly increase the rate of growth hormone in your body, as its production rate in your body increases by 60% during sleep when taking large doses of it.

Hormonal balance in your body is necessary for the safe functions of all vital systems that help you build your body in an effective way, and any imbalance or deficiency in these hormones negatively affects the physical results you expect. Use all natural means to increase the growth hormone in your body, and if you are not satisfied with the results, you can always Resorting to complementary medical drugs, but after consulting your doctor first.

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