Important tips for enlarging the leg muscles

2 min read

The leg muscles are considered one of the most important muscles for a bodybuilder because training and strengthening them increases the secretion of growth hormones and testosterone throughout the body. Today we have brought to you the most important tips that may help you get much larger and better leg muscles.

Do not perform leg straightening and bending exercises on machines with heavy weights
Our bodies were not designed to bend the knees in this way, and when you perform these exercises with heavy weights, you may expose yourself to structural problems such as tendinitis or muscle imbalance. These exercises also will not give you muscle mass as you imagine, so it is preferable to practice squats and deadlifts for the back leg, as they are much better if you practice them. With heavy weights, you must also never give up on correct performance.

Exercise the weak leg separately to achieve balance
Almost every person either cares about the left or right leg, and therefore one side of the body is stronger than the other side, so you must add individual exercises to your training system and thus increase the strength of the weak leg and achieve balance in your body.

Don’t forget the external and internal lateral muscles
Most trainees neglect the outer and inner thigh muscles. These muscles are of great importance for achieving balance and stability. Without these muscles, the rest of the leg exercises will be of less benefit and may be more dangerous for you. Therefore, it is preferable to perform the outer and inner leg muscle exercises as part of the warm-up before the squat exercises. And lifting weights.

Heating properly
Running, cycling, and other cardio exercises are not at all sufficient to warm up the legs properly, so you must warm up with cardio exercises for a period of 5-10 minutes, then start the warm-up with leg exercises with light weights or without weights, or by doing some Swedish leg exercises.

Use isolation exercises
You should use some isolation exercises at the end of the exercise, such as leg extension and leg curl, but you should not put heavy weights, only light weights with a large number of repetitions in order to avoid any problems in the knees.

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